


🍃 🍈 🫘

The Story of Shame


Installation view, Galerie Urs Meile, Beijing, 2015

Yan Xing often discusses the political nature of sexual fetishes and their rhetorical significance. In this series of photographic works, he presents the unique intertextual relationship of control and humiliation associated with foot fetishism. He meticulously constructs scenes reminiscent of black and white films, using a series of precisely designed props and clothing, and arranges specific performances for the models. He subtly expresses his hesitation and unease as an artist presenting this controversial subject by partially hiding the photographs behind constructed walls.

This work highlights the indescribable nature of shame, and the implicitness of shame itself, in a dramatic yet calm and steady manner. The artist's own viewpoint lands in the blurry zone between expression and hesitation to express. Yan Xing is obsessed with capturing the inseparability of sex and power. Through this slightly tragic work, he contributes a unique aesthetic temperament as a counterpart of how the particular nature of sexuality is represented by Western civilization.




The Aesthetics of Resistance

